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 Robert Pattinson - Life & Style Weekly - April 13th 2009

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Messages : 871
Date d'inscription : 16/06/2009
Age : 40

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MessageSujet: Robert Pattinson - Life & Style Weekly - April 13th 2009   Robert Pattinson - Life & Style Weekly - April 13th 2009 EmptyMar 16 Juin - 11:47

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Robert Pattinson - Life & Style Weekly - April 13th 2009 Img3431

Robert Pattinson - Life & Style Weekly - April 13th 2009 Img3432p

Robert Pattinson - Life & Style Weekly - April 13th 2009 Img3433r

Tears &


  • Things get physical on New Moon

  • Robert's jealous of hi new co-stars

  • Kristen's late nights with Taylor

  • Robert speaks out on nasty rumors


Twilight's breakout star Robert Pattinson, is forced to fight for attention on the set of the movie's sequel

Robert Pattinson was scheduled to drive the crowd wild by accepting the Twilight series' win for favorite book at the 2009 Nickeledeon Kid's Choice Award in LA on March 28. But instead, his buffed-up co-sart Taylor Lautner stepped on the stage to rear of screaming, teary-eved fans « We've currently filming New Moon, having a lot of fun, » Taylor informed the adoring audience. « I can tell you firsthand you guys will love it »

But Rob may not be enjoying his time on set in Vancouver, British Columbia. Taylor has taken his place as New Moon's leading man, Jacob Black, and now the newly announced cast that makes up the movie's wolf pack has stepped on Robert's heartthrob territory. Even worse, the crew's reportedly leaking rumors about his bad hygiene, and his co-stars are dishing about Rob's pickup lines. Admits Robert, « I'm going to be Twilight-ed out by the end of the year. »


    The cast members of Twilight can't steop talking about how they became one big, happy family while shooting the first film, but the brood's experiencing growing pins in Vancouver, British Colombia, this time around. Extreme competitiveness and jealousy are surfacing as these ambitious young actors try to make names for themselves in Hollywood and challenge Robert's star statue.


    Smoldering in a Diesel Jacket and LNA tee, Taylor saoked up the love in Rob' stead on March 28 in LA.


    Robert « completely reeks » beacause he never showers, one New Moon crew member told a magazine


    « Rob is the lead but you're the better looking Cullen, » Ryan Seacrest told Kellan Lutz ( Emmett ), who discussed his co-start's shy demeanor around the laides on March 20.

In with the new

In fact, the cast has only been filming for a few weeks and Robert's already had to deny reports that he's been hit in the head with a piece of flying metal and that his constant BO makes the crew gag. « I do shower, » Rob was forced to testly insist.

His ego may have taken yet another hit with the arrival on set of the five hunky actors who play his character Edward Cullen's enemy werewolves : Chaske Spencer, Alex Meraz, Bronson Pelletier, Kiowa Gordon and Tyson Houseman. Fans were immediately infatuated. « These kids ' lives are going to change, » says casting director Rene Haynes. « They are now stars. » And while admittedly athletically challenged Rob dreaded having to run in Twilight's pivotal baseball scene, New Moon's cliffdovong and motorcycle stunts will be a piece of cake for the new cast members, says Haynes, Bronson plays football, and Tyson's a skateboarder, and both are natural snoboarders. Alex, meanwhile, has studied martial arts for 12 years and is a professional dancer. « All the roles require a lot of physicality, » says Haynes. « They're all quite fit. »

And with vampire Edward skipping town early in New Moon, Robert may still be coming to terms with taking a backseat to Taylor. But Taylor's clearly reveling in his new role and the notice he's getting for the roughly 30 pounds of muscle he packerd on. « Taylor's an entirely different person physcially, » says Kristen Stewart, who plays his love interset, bella. « He's buff ! »

Taylor Vs. Rob

Fans seemed to admire Taylor's new physique when he and Kristen strolled through downtown Vancouver together on March 18. « There were a couple of girls who recognized Taylor, " notes an eyewitness. « It looked like he was loving the attention. »

Kristen, on the other hand, didn't look happy. Rob's longtime crush appeared to want Taylor all to herself, according to the evewitness. « Kristen quickly put an end to any interaction all she needed to do was shoot them dirty glances, » the evewitness explains. « They almost seemed like a couple. »

Earlier in the day, they continued getting cozy over lunch at Earl's Restaurant in Vancouver with some of the New moon crew. « Kristen and Taylor were talking to each other mos of the time, ignoring the rest of the cast members, » Say the witness. « They were acting really flirty, sitting very close together and laughing a lot. »

While Robert's seemingly los out on Kristen for now, co-star Kellan Lutz drove the stake even further into Rob's heart by calling out his seemingly unsuccessful modesty act. « He does this thing when he's really shy, » explain Kellan. « He lowers his head, and the girls love it. »

It's all too much for insecure Robert who says he doubts his own looks and even his kissing technique to handle. « He's feeling very worried about his status as a fading superstar, » an insider says. « And his friends are also concerned that Robert's Twilight succes my have only been short-lived, and they feel bad for him. »


    While it's no secret that Kristen is dating actor Micheal Angarano, she admits to leaning on her co-stars for support. Kristen got cozy with Robert during production of Twilight, but now she seems to have ditched him in favo of Taylor. They've had plenty of alone time filming scenes together on remote Tofino beaches, and the tow were spotted keeping each other company off set at Earl's Restaurant and during a leisurely walk through dowtown Vancouver on March 18. « Kristen and Taylor looked extremly comfortable around each other and really happy to be together, » says an eyewitness.
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