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 R-Pattz Risking It All for Kristen

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Messages : 1114
Date d'inscription : 19/06/2009
Age : 39
Localisation : France

R-Pattz Risking It All for Kristen Empty
MessageSujet: R-Pattz Risking It All for Kristen   R-Pattz Risking It All for Kristen EmptyMer 9 Sep - 12:56

R-Pattz Risking It All for Kristen Ok038_10

In less than a year Robert Pattinson has gone from “that handsome guy who played Cedric Diggory” in the Harry Potter films to the world’s most desired movie star.

But now, on the cusp of even bigger success with the impending release of New Moon and Eclipse currently being filmed in Vancouver, it may all slip away from R-Pattz, thanks to his recently accelerated romance with his on-and-off-screen girlfriend Kristen Stewart.

Because it’s not only his legions of female fans who might be disappointed to see Rob taken off the bachelor block by Kristen — there’s also the folks behind the Twilight films.

A real-life romance between the two would subvert New Moon’s entire story line, in which Bella falls for hunky werewolf Jacob Black, played by 17-year-old Taylor Lautner, and the studio brass want the Bella-Jacob spark to appear equally as plausible as the Bella-Edward relationship.

“The producers took Rob and Kris aside and told them to keep their relationship under wraps for a few more months,” an insider tells OK!. “But they’re so much in love, they can’t keep their hands off each other.”

It’s made life a bit of a pressure cooker for the two young superstars. “They’re crazy about each other, and they want to shout it from the rooftops,” says an Eclipse set insider. “But they’re also part of this massive machine called Twilight and producers have this thing timed with scientific precision. They don’t want Rob and Kristen to tell the world about their relationship until the time is right.”

Adds the source, “Rob’s whole world is Kristen. I’m surprised he even knows his lines because he’s so absorbed with her. He has no time whatsoever for his guy friends and has cut virtually everyone off so he can spend every waking moment with Kristen. He’s all about his woman.”

Regardless of whether he’s jeopardizing his career by moving toward marriage with Kristen, Rob is clearly ready and willing to take the risk. “Trust me; he generally does what he’s told by producers,” one source tells OK!, “but this kid has a strong will of his own, and if he wants to walk around Vancouver with Kristen in front of the world, he’s going to.”

Source : OK Magazine


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