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 11.03.10 - Memorable cast, quickly forgotten [SPOILER]

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Messages : 1114
Date d'inscription : 19/06/2009
Age : 39
Localisation : France

11.03.10 - Memorable cast, quickly forgotten [SPOILER] Empty
MessageSujet: 11.03.10 - Memorable cast, quickly forgotten [SPOILER]   11.03.10 - Memorable cast, quickly forgotten [SPOILER] EmptyMer 10 Mar - 19:14

Memorable cast, quickly forgotten
March 11, 2010

Directed by Allen Coulter
Written by Will Fetters
Rated M, 113 minutes
Cinemas everywhere
Reviewed by Sandra Hall

IN Remember Me, Robert Pattinson rejoins the human race. The film was made straight after he finished the most recent episode in the Twilight saga and it surely came as a great relief to him. After doing so well in alerting teens to the sexiness of the supernatural, he must have wondered if he'd be permitted to embrace normality again.

But here he is, playing just another mixed-up kid in the James Dean tradition - except that this rebel does have a cause. He is out to shake some humanity into his father, Charles (Pierce Brosnan). Charles is a Wall Street tycoon so ensconced on the dark side that he can barely spare time to attend the family gathering held to mark the anniversary of his elder son's suicide.

He's been divorced from Tyler's mother (Lena Olin) for years and he's so bored by these occasions that he's able to cloud the atmosphere just by asking for the sugar.

Will Fetters's screenplay likes to pin his characters down. When we meet Tyler, for example, he's crouched, brooding on the fire escape of his apartment. Clearly, this is a troubled boy.

Yet the director, Allen Coulter (Hollywoodland), can handle tension and ambiguity when the urge takes him - which isn't often here. This talent is contained within the film's opening scene, which turns out to be its best, a prologue set 10 years before the main action begins.

On a New York subway platform, a woman and her daughter are waiting for the next train, watched by a couple of toughs who gradually move in on them. One has a gun and, after snatching the woman's bag, they hop on the train.

The doors shut but the woman goes on staring at the gunman, memorising his features and, on impulse, he shoots her dead. This terse but devastating scene is a short film in itself and has only a tangential connection to the much more prosaic events that follow.

Ally Craig, the little girl, grows up to fall in love with Tyler after he's arrested by her father, Neil (Chris Cooper), a hard-headed cop who has never stopped grieving for his wife. Tyler has become involved in a street fight, having moved in to break it up, but Sergeant Craig isn't interested in explanations.

So Tyler's supremely irritating buddy (Tate Ellington) suggests that he make friends with Ally, a fellow student at New York University. As this loopy contrivance reaches its predictable conclusion, the potentially strong cast tries desperately to shape Fetters's dialogue into something worth thinking about.

In spite of the script, Pattinson reveals himself as an actor of subtlety now that he has assumed mortal form. It's plain that there's a mind powering all that angst. I just hope that he soon finds a better picture than this one. I was almost coming round to it but its gratuitously tacked-on ending put paid to that impulse.

Credit : The Sidney Morning Herald
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11.03.10 - Memorable cast, quickly forgotten [SPOILER]
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