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 [NEWS] 10.11.09 - Talks To 4TNZ

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Messages : 1114
Date d'inscription : 19/06/2009
Age : 39
Localisation : France

[NEWS] 10.11.09 - Talks To 4TNZ Empty
MessageSujet: [NEWS] 10.11.09 - Talks To 4TNZ   [NEWS] 10.11.09 - Talks To 4TNZ EmptyMer 11 Nov - 12:17

RPattz Talks To 4TNZ!
17 hours ago

[NEWS] 10.11.09 - Talks To 4TNZ Robpressconference

4TNZ went to the New Moon press conference and miraculously didn't pass out from all the hotness.

Especially when it came time to ask Robert Pattinson a question...

As always, he was bitingly charming:

4TNZ: Do you appreciate Edward more with each movie? What do you like best about him?
Rob: When I read New Moon, it gave me ideas about how to play Edward in the first film. It's the one I connected to the most, and the one that humanized Edward for me the most, as well. In the first one, he still does remain, from beginning to end, an idealistic character. But, in the second one, he makes a mistake that's acknowledged by everybody, including himself. Also, he is totally undermined by more powerful creatures, and he's undermined emotionally by people as well. That's what humanized it.
Since I read that book, I always liked him as a character, and I've tried to play that same feeling throughout the films. He's the hero of the story that just refuses to accept that he's the hero, and I think that's kind of admirable.

And here's more from RPattz, including his craziest fan encounter and whether he would ever want to fight Taylor Lautner....

Q: What was it like to film that break-up scene between Edward and Bella?
Rob: There's something weird about it. One of the main things I felt doing that and what really helped was people's anticipation of the movie, and the fans of the series' idea about what Bella and Edward's relationship is and what it represents to them. It's some kind of ideal for a relationship. And so, just playing a scene where you're breaking up the ideal relationship, I felt a lot of the weight behind that. Also, it took away a fear of melodrama. It felt seismic, even when we were doing it. It was very much like the stepping out into the sunlight scene, at the end. You could really feel the audience watching, as you're doing it. It was a strange one to do.

Q: What were your thoughts while you were filming that scene in Italy, where Edward reveals himself in the sunlight?
Rob: I just came to a realization about that scene. It was one of the closest moments I really felt to people's emotional attachment to the character because there were so many extras there who were just Twilightfans, who had flown in to be in the town square. Just taking that one step into the light, it's been the one moment, since the first Comic-Con, where I've felt the whole weight of anticipation and responsibility to all the people who are so obsessed with the stories. It was a good moment. It was very nerve-wracking, but I probably felt the most in character that I've ever felt, throughout the whole series, at that moment.

Q: If there was a fight between Edward and Jacob, who would win?
Rob: I don't know. I think it's actually a fact that Edward would win, if I read the books correctly. So, I guess I can hold onto that, for my ego.

: What about in a fight between you and Taylor Lautner?
Rob: I did hear, the other day, that Taylor had agreed to an interview where the interviewer was going to fight him. I don't think I'd ever agree to that. And, after looking at Taylor's martial arts videos from when he was like nine, I wouldn't really want to do anything. Maybe if I had some kind of weapon.

Q: What personality traits do you share with Edward?
Rob: I guess stubbornness, in some ways, about some things. He's pretty self-righteous. I get quite obsessive about things, and possessive as well.

Q: With all of the fan encounters that you've had, has there been anything that's just made you laugh?
Rob: Yeah, a lot of the time. Recently, I have less direct interaction with people because there's way more security and stuff on set. But, I always find it funny when older people come up. There was a woman who came up to me the other day who must have been in her 90s. It's very unusual. And, they say exactly the same things as 12-year-old girls. That is kind of bizarre.

Q: When you are shooting the more romantic things, what goes through your head?
Rob: It's weird. I keep getting told by people, "Pump up all the stuff about the action, so the guys will go and see it," but it's ridiculous. It's like saying that guys can't appreciate romance. I don't think you can say that about Gone with the Wind. I've watched Titanic and I didn't think, "Oh, this is a girl's film."
Especially in New Moon, and actually in the whole series, I've never played it thinking, "Oh, I'm in a series of girls' films and I'm doing something just for girls." I don't feel like I'm doing an animated Tiger Beat, every week. I like doing romantic scenes. I felt like a lot of the storyline in New Moon is very heartbreaking and true. I didn't think I was doing something, just for the sake of romance. I thought, in a lot of ways, that it was a really sad story.

Q: Have you ever serenaded somebody?
Rob: Oh, no! I don't think that would ever be romantic.... Jesus Christ! I actually can't think of a single romantic thing I've ever done. That's terrible.

Q: Have you ever given anyone flowers?
Rob: Yeah, I did. I put a flower in someone's locker when I was 15 years old. This girl, called Maria. Maybe I was 14. She actually thought it was from someone else, and the other guy claimed it as well, which was just great.

Q: What was it like watching Taylor transform physically?
Rob: I didn't see Taylor until just a little bit before we started shooting, so when he came back, I had the same reaction as everybody else. I was like, "Now I have to go to the gym."

Q: What's the weirdest or funniest thing you've ever read or heard about yourself?
Rob: Recently, some magazine had on the cover that I was pregnant. I was just like, "Wow!" And, it was without a hint of irony or anything. I didn't really know what to make of that one. I don't even know if that qualifies as libelous because they can just say, "Well, it's obviously fiction," but it's written in a non-fiction magazine. I saw a couple comments under the article saying, "That's why he always wears jackets. He always wears layers to hide it."

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