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 Catching up with Lee Safar, 'New Moon' soundtrack hopeful: The Twilight Saga: New Moon's soundtrack

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Messages : 871
Date d'inscription : 16/06/2009
Age : 40

Catching up with Lee Safar, 'New Moon' soundtrack hopeful: The Twilight Saga: New Moon's soundtrack Empty
MessageSujet: Catching up with Lee Safar, 'New Moon' soundtrack hopeful: The Twilight Saga: New Moon's soundtrack   Catching up with Lee Safar, 'New Moon' soundtrack hopeful: The Twilight Saga: New Moon's soundtrack EmptyVen 21 Aoû - 1:55

The Twilight Saga: New Moon's soundtrack is already destined to be one of the most successful albums of the year. With heavy hitters such as Radiohead, Muse, Band of Skulls, and Bon Iver already announced, one can only predict that the totality of talent to be involved in the complete feature is going to be magnificent.

The inclusion of Aussie power songstress Lee Safar would only enhance that likelihood.

In interviews with MTV and the Soundtracks Examiner, Safar's interest in and progress toward being a part of The Twilight Saga: New Moon's soundtrack has been thoroughly communicated.

Catching up with her, though, a few additional details are revealed, not only about Safar's interest in being a part of the Twilight music franchise, but also about her experience as a Twilight fan.

Catching up with Lee Safar, 'New Moon' soundtrack hopeful: The Twilight Saga: New Moon's soundtrack Lee1110

AB: How are you doing these days?

LS: I am going fantastically! I am working hard and living my dreams. I get contacted on a daily basis by fans who are learning to walk through their fears to live there dreams...all after hearing my music and reading about my journey. I cant tell you how inspiring that is for me!

AB: Back in July, when you were interviewed by MTV, you discussed your two songs in consideration for the New Moon soundtrack. Any developments there?

LS: At the moment all I can share with you is that my attorney has met with Summit and we are waiting to hear a decision.

AB: Have you noticed a trend in fan responses since then?

LS: I have the best fans in the world. I have a lot of time for my fans and make sure that I spend a lot of time talking with them online and at gigs. New fans that have come from the Twilight community have been wonderful and from all over the globe- Italy, Brazil, USA, Australia, Germany, Spain, UK, Russia and so many more place. I am truly blessed to be connecting with so many people and being inspired by their stories of how they are turning around their lives around to make their dreams happen!

AB: You just had a show last night. How was that?

LS: The show was amazing, thank you for asking! I headlined an Acoustic gig at the prestigious Piano Room in Sydney, which is below the world famous Coke Sign in Kings Cross. The songs translate so well acoustically and are taken to a whole other emotional depth when done as an acoustic arrangement. For the first time we had a cello onstage working with the piano and times it felt like time and space just dissolved and we were all just still in the magic of the songs! I never get sick of that feeling...

AB: You mentioned that Breaking Dawn was your favorite book. Can you tell us a little more about why?

LS: Breaking Dawn is my favourite book because it is where most of the characters come into there truths about themselves and the fears they have been living. The characters not only start to acknowledge and accept their uniqueness, they push the boundaries by establishing non traditional alliances and communities, and work together to overcome their communal and individual fears. These themes are the same themes that run through my life at the moment.

AB: Do you visit any fansites or participate in any other Twilight fan community?

LS: The Official Twilight Facebook Page is fantastic as is Twilight Lexicon. The Twilight fan community in general are fantastic. They have been very supportive of my music and of what I'm about...walking through your fears to live your dreams!

AB: What’s your favorite thing about being a Twilight fan?

LS: My favourite thing about being a Twilight fan is the universal connection there seems to be within the Twilight community. Don't get me wrong, there are many conflicting opinions amongst some fans about various things, like the soundtrack LOL, but I think that that is healthy in any community. It's what helps a community evolve.

AB: If you don’t make the New Moon soundtrack, would you give it another go for Eclipse? If so, are there any pieces of your music that you think fit in with the story of Eclipse? Breaking Dawn?

LS: Because I'm such a fan, I'd totally give more music to Summit if I thought it would do the movie justice....isn't that what we all want as twifans. The reason that I am so passionate about 'I'm Here' for New Moon is because I sincerely believe that it would be amazing in that movie and that it fits perfectly- on so many levels. If it didn't I wouldn't bother because like all the other twifans, I want the movie to be the best it can possibly be.

' Take Me Away ' is a song that is perfect for Jacob and would be as perfect for him in Eclipse as it would be in New Moon because he's still experiencing a lot of the same themes of loss, confusion, and anger in Eclipse as he did in Breaking Dawn. Another of my songs that would work perfectly in Eclipse is ' Who I've Become '. Both songs were written well before I had even heard of Twilight. You can hear the songs on my MySpace page ( or on iTunes.

Source : twilightersnet
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